Creating Custom Pony Tail Holders

August 26, 2013

I purchased a few supplies to make buttons for a project I am working on, and it occurred to me the buttons could be turned into custom pony tail holders.


You will need the following:

A scrap of material, enough for a 3 inch circle

A pony tail elastic



A 3 inch round pattern


Start by cutting the circle out of the fabric,  then using the button tool, lay the fabric in the mold, then insert the first part of the button over the fabric.



Fold over the fabric and secure with the button backing, snap it in place and remove from the mold. Using the metal loop on the back, thread the elastic through the loop and pull one end through the other, securing it tightly.



This is a great project for elementary school girls, or one for mom to do to create custom hair ties for a daughter with longer hair.  I love the idea of matching the button to the color in an outfit, or sweater.

As I was putting this together I ran into a few small hitches. The fabric you use needs to be a medium weight, quilter squares would work well, but a slightly thicker fabric would be best. I had to play with the circle size and found a 3 inch circle worked best.


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