Last Minute DIY Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

May 12, 2017
mother's day gift ideas

It’s hard to believe Mother’s Day is only two days away.  Are you ready to celebrate mom?  If not, I have a few do it yourself last minute gift ideas that she will love!

mother's day gift ideas

If you follow me on Instagram you know I have a thing for flowers.  So it should be no surprise that my first mother’s day gift idea is fresh flowers. You can find reasonably priced blooms at the local grocery store. I find Whole Foods has the best quality. Pair them with a unique vase to create a complete gift.  I made the one pictured above using an inexpensive glass vase from the Dollar Store and with a pretty ribbon and button hot glued to it to give it a little texture.


Another wonderful gift idea is to create a personalized coffee mug for mom.  All you need is an inexpensive white mug, glass paint and an oven. See my blog post here for more info.  You could also use this technique to create a personalized vase.

painted mugs

Painted terracotta pots make a sweet Mother’s Day gift for mom or Grandma.  Let kids create whatever they want on the pots. Rainbows, butterflies or ladybugs are all cute motifs that kids can easily paint.  By including a package of citronella tea lights, you can turn the pots into adorable candleholders for the back porch.

Thrifty Project: DIY Picture Frame Tray

photo sourcce

Create a beautiful tray by adding handles to a unique piece of tile or an older frame.  You could also buy a wood tray at the local craft store and paint it, or dress it up with decoupage.  Present it to mom with a mimosa and home baked muffins for breakfast.

Let your creativity inspire your own ideas. Sometimes it only takes a walk through the craft store to trigger an idea or two.  You could take the easy way out,  buy her a card and let her sleep in.

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