Let’s talk signature colors. A signature color is a go to color, it’s a favorite color one often wears and/ or decorates with. It can be a nail color, a lip color or an accent color. It’s the color that makes you happiest. Whether decorating your home, or rounding out your closet, having a […]
Tag: fashion
Acai- a South American palm tree that produces a blackish-purple berry. Or one of Pantone’s Fall 2013’s color trends to watch. It’s a deep dark rich purple with a tinge of blue and a dash of black. Now, normally I am not a fan of purple. I usually find it too obnoxious. It may be […]
I was chatting with friends last night and the topic of signature style came up. The conversation had me thinking about how to define signature style. Does it apply only to how one dresses or does one’s home decor play a role? Style itself is defined as a manner in which to do something, and […]
I confess I am a sucker for alligators. Whether they are just an icon on my polos or the creatures in my back yard there is just something I adore about them. Unlike my neighbors I am not afraid of them. I give them all the respect they deserve and let them be. So of […]