
Let’s talk signature colors

June 25, 2015

  Let’s talk signature colors.  A signature color is a go to color, it’s a favorite color one often wears and/ or decorates with. It can be a nail color, a lip color or an accent color. It’s the color that makes you happiest. Whether decorating your home, or rounding out your closet, having a […]

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10 Coffee Tables to Consider

September 23, 2014

Selecting the perfect coffee table involves a bit of preference and a little forethought.  Coffee tables are the central part of a room, as they tend to be front and center in a space. Even still, they are the generally the last piece of furniture to be purchased.  The options seem endless and often time […]

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Creating an inviting laundry room

July 23, 2014

Why shouldn’t your laundry room be as welcoming and inviting as the rest of your house? It is possible to create a well-decorated place for handling the most mundane of household tasks next to, of course, cleaning the bathroom. Laundry rooms have moved up from the dungeon known as the basement and most have found […]

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Favorite Holiday Hostess Gifts

November 15, 2012

The holiday season officially starts next week with Thanksgiving, soon after our social calendars tend to fill up fast with one party or dinner after the other.  A good guest never shows for a gathering without a small thoughtful gift to thank the hostess for the invitation.  I adore giving hostess gifts this time a […]

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