Wallpaper has been around for eons it seems, and over the years, its popularity has waned. Over the past few years, it has enjoyed a bit of resurgence with new ways of using it in your décor. It is available in a wide array of styles, designs and sheens making it ideal for adding pattern to a room. At one time wallpaper hung on all four walls was the expected way to use the accessory. Wallpaper can be an expensive accessory to use in a room, while, some patterns may overwhelm a space.
Over the years there have emerged many creative ways to still use wallpaper but in smaller doses. I love the variety of options out there too.My favorite use is as an accent on one wall. Focal walls with either a patterned wallpaper or textured wallpaper like grass cloth immediately add character to the room. To do a wall, may only be the cost of one roll of wallpaper rather than yards of it to the cover all four walls. It also serves to set the color palette for the rest of the design scheme. Using a color from the wallpaper, paint the other walls and bring in accents and patterns in similar hues, creating a cohesive look.
Perhaps one wall is a bit too much still. Instead, use wallpaper in even smaller accents. Use a bit of it to dress up the back of a bookcase or to draw attention the back of a china cabinet. It not only adds pattern to the room, but it also dresses up the furniture piece.
In even smaller doses, frame or trim out wallpaper and then hung on the wall as artwork. Wallpaper just like fabric often has a repeat to it, which means the pattern repeats throughout the length of the wallpaper. Be sure to cut each framed piece from the repeat so it looks cohesive and not jumbled.
In even smaller doses, use scraps of wallpaper to create unique serving trays by slipping it under the glass of a picture frame and adding handles, decoupage coasters or to dress up a wastebasket in the powder room.